Privacy Statement Personce

You have asked us for advice about a mortgage because you want to buy a house. Or you have asked us about the best way to insure your car. In both cases we are happy to advise you and help you find the mortgage and car insurance that best suits your needs.
In order to assist you, we will need some information from you. This may be your personal data – things like your name, address, age and email address. If we are going to analyse your financial situation for a mortgage, we may also need your financial data, such as your income, your expenses and your assets. We will only ask you for the information we need, not for anything else.
We will handle the information you send us with care. This statement is intended to inform you about how we do this. Which data do we use, how long will this data be kept and how do we make sure your data is optimally protected against unauthorised use? As a data subject, you have a number of rights to protect your personal data, too.


If you have any questions about this statement or if you would like to know more, please contact:
Mr. J.P. Broné / Mr L.A. Meerhoff - Tel. +31 (0)85 - 7470069 – /
Personce (Chamber of Commerce number 83450327)
Stratumsedijk 38 5611 NE Eindhoven

Your personal data

This may refer to any personal data we need to advise you and to carry out our advice. Or personal data we must record in order to manage or make changes to your policies. This might include your contact and identification data, or your financial data that we need to analyse your financial situation – things like your income or salary data, for example, and data on any debts or assets. All this is important and confidential data.

Is all information necessary?
You might be wondering if we really need all the personal data we ask from you. And if you actually want to provide us with it. We will only ask you for the information necessary to provide you with responsible and appropriate advice. Without this information, we will not be able to find a good solution to your query. If any information is missing or if we do not have full access to it, we will not be able to provide comprehensive advice. If that is the case, we will let you know which parts of the advice will be missing and any potential consequences of this. In some cases, we might not be able to provide any advice at all.

We use your personal data

We need your personal data in order to advise you, carry out the advice and manage and/or make changes to your policy or mortgage or any other financial product. Your financial data helps us get a clear picture of your financial situation and allows us to advise you whether you should take out a supplementary provision in the event of occupational disability, for example. We will not do this on our own initiative, but only if you request or instruct us to do so. Your request or assignment forms the basis for our right to use your personal data. Consequently, your personal data will only be used for the purpose for which you provided the data to us.
We like to keep you informed about our services, current developments, trends in the financial market and practical financial tips via our newsletter. We do this in your and our interest (legitimate interest of our company).
We may, on occasion, receive your personal data not from you, but through another organisation. These are companies in our own commercial network. The only kind of personal data we receive this way are your contact details. In cases like this, we will only use your personal data if you have asked these organisations to pass on your personal data or if you have given them permission to do so.
If we have received your personal data from another organisation or company, such as your bank or insurer, we will let you know from which source we received this information.

We share your personal data

We will share your personal data with third parties where necessary for carrying out our advice or making any changes to an existing policy. We will also have to share your personal data when determining and settling any damage you report to us. We will not share your personal data with organisations in countries outside the European Union (EU).
Depending on the situation, we will provide your personal data to:
• Insurance companies • Banks and Lenders
• Appraisers
• Civil-law notaries
• Investment institutions • Asset managers
• Claim adjusters
Partner companies: our suppliers (processors)
Within our company, we do not do everything ourselves; we outsource work as well. These partnerships may consist of companies that provide administration software or host our website, for example. These companies have no control over your personal data and we remain responsible for the careful use of this personal data. We have good arrangements in place with our suppliers about the use and protection of your personal data, which are recorded in an agreement (Data Processing Agreement). We will ensure that the security and confidentiality of your data with our suppliers meets our own high standards.

We retain your personal data

The retention period may be determined by law. If this is not the case, we will not keep your personal data for longer than necessary. How long we retain your personal data depends on the work you have asked us to carry out. Our maximum retention period is 30 years.


Our website

We use cookies on our website. A cookie is a small file that is stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive. This file is necessary for your use of the website.
A cookie from Google is placed via our website as part of the Google Analytics service. We use Google Analytics to collect data about the use of our website. We do this to determine whether our website meets the needs of our visitors and to see how we can improve. The data collected by Google is made anonymous as much as possible. Your personal data, such as your IP address, will expressly not be recorded.


We protect your personal data

We handle your personal data with care. We have adapted our business operations accordingly and taken the appropriate technical measures to protect your personal data as much as possible. We expect our suppliers of software and IT systems to take security measures that are at least equivalent to ours.
Our employees have access to your data only when authorised. In addition, they have taken the statutory oath to abide by laws and regulations, act with integrity and observe the duty of confidentiality.


What are your rights?

You have a number of rights to control how we use your personal data or to monitor its use:

Right of access: You may request an overview of your personal data that we have on file. We will provide this overview free of charge.
Right to rectification and addition: You may request rectification of your personal data if you believe your personal data is incorrect. This is important to us and we appreciate your rectification, as we can only do our work with correct data.
Right to be forgotten: You may ask us to remove your personal data from our records if you no longer want us to have it and if permitted by law.
Right to restriction of processing: You may ask us to use your personal data for a specific purpose only. This might be the case when we no longer need the personal data, but you want us to keep it because you need it for an ongoing legal dispute.
Right to data portability: You may ask us to transfer your data to another organisation, such as a lawyer or accountant.
Right to object: You may object if we use your personal data in our business activities (legitimate interest of the company). One of those activities is that we like to keep you informed about financial matters that are relevant to you. This is important for you and us. If you do not wish for this to happen, you may object, and we will comply with your request within one month.

You have a complaint
If you believe we have not taken sufficient care in handling your personal data or if you want to know how we use your personal data within our company, please contact us:
Mr. J.P. Broné / Mr L.A. Meerhoff - Tel. +31 (0)85 - 7470069 – /
Personce (Chamber of Commerce number 83450327)
Stratumsedijk 38 5611 NE Eindhoven

If we have not been able to convince you and you continue to believe that we have not handled your personal data with sufficient care, you may submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens):